Workshop #1: Engaging Communities in Effective Problem Solving
Tuesday, September 6 • 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
- Is your public process effective in reaching those who are hardest hit by climate change?
- How can agency staff maneuver the difficult terrain of community engagement with minimal conflict while addressing social equity?
Climate change is a daunting topic, especially for agencies tasked with protecting public welfare. Due to socioeconomic vulnerabilities, some communities are harder hit by its impacts. These same communities often have rich histories of resilience. With this experience, grassroots leaders from frontline communities offer key expertise in local resilience planning. In a climate emergency, having long-term positive partnerships with community groups to work with you to respond to neighborhood needs may be one of your most valuable assets.
The Resilient Communities Initiative (RCI) presents Engaging Communities in Effective Problem Solving, a special training for government staff who work on climate resilience. Participants will explore pitfalls of community engagement and learn proven strategies to working with grassroots groups to develop a good agenda, balance discussion, resolve conflict, achieve consensus, and build partnerships. The RCI is a coalition of eleven Bay Area social equity groups with funding from the Kresge Foundation.
Our RCI trainers are from Bay Area community groups with hands-on experience collaborating with federal, state, regional, and local agencies. We have developed partnerships with regulators and field-tested successful collaborative problem solving methods. Join us for a fast-paced day of dialog and practice that is guaranteed to improve both your outlook and your outcomes in community engagement meetings. Morning and afternoon coffee and lunch will be served.
Workshop #2: Multi-Stakeholder Exercise Training on Integrating Mitigation and Adaptation to Enhance Community Cohesion – SOLD OUT
Tuesday, September 6 • 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Communities across the U.S. are already facing the devastating consequences of increased temperatures, changes in precipitation, and extreme weather. The impacts are far reaching, affecting social cohesion, economic stability, and public health. As a result, it’s imperative that stakeholders across Federal, State, and local governments, private-sector, academia, non-profit and citizen communities come together to collaborate in understanding the impacts of climate change on their communities and work together to develop sustainability and resilience solutions.
On September 6th, 2016, several security, adaptation, and resilience experts from The Cadmus Group, Inc. will host a 4-hour tabletop exercise where participants will take on roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in a fictitious urban community facing a variety of threats and hazards, climate change being one, and experience the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating mitigation and adaptation solutions through stakeholder collaboration.
Join us for an active and thought provoking workshop where you’ll leave with a clearer understanding of how cities can advance their overall sustainability goals and enhance resilience. Refreshments and light snacks will be provided.
Cost: Free
The California Coastal Resilience Network works to promote knowledge exchange and policies that support adaptation solutions that strategically and comprehensively prepare California’s coastal habitats and communities for climate induced impacts. The Network is comprised of California-based coastal managers working for local, state, regional, and even federal agencies, non-profits, academic institutions, interest groups, and even consulting firms. Network Action Members are collaborating on the development of the Network’s Adaptation Policy Platform, which is aimed at improving California’s coastal adaptation policies to better facilitate the implementation of nature-based, multi-benefit adaptation solutions.
Network members will meet in person, on Tuesday 9/6/16 from 1 – 4:30 prior to the California Adaptation Forum, to further develop and refine our proposed policy platform, to develop work and implementation plans for the coming year, and to brainstorm new ways to collaborate across the coast. Current members are encouraged to attend. Anyone interested in joining the Network and/or participating in the workshop is invited to contact Kelly Leo, Coastal Project Director at The Nature Conservancy ( for more information. Membership and workshop participation are free; for more information about the Network and how to become a member, visit the California Coastal Resilience Network website.
Workshop #4: Being Prepared for Climate Change: A Workbook for Developing Risk-Based Adaptation Plans
Tuesday, September 6 • 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Workshop #5: Enhancing Your Organization’s Climate Preparedness Capacity through Management/Staff Education and Training
Tuesday, September 6 • 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Workshop #6: Overcoming Financial and Organizational Barriers to Local Adaptation
Tuesday, September 6 • 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Join us for an interactive, discussion-based workshop to better understand the financial and organizational barriers that local governments in California face in implementing adaptation strategies. This workshop will provide opportunities to learn about financing needs in California, practical opportunities for funding adaptation, what institutional and organizational barriers hinder work on adaptation, and how to move your organization to higher levels of capacity to advance adaptation. Participants will share their own experience and challenges with financing and implementing adaptation strategies at the local level.
This workshop is being conducted as part of two larger research projects as a contribution to California’s Fourth Climate Change Assessment.
We encourage you to participate in this workshop if you work in, with or for local governments on adaptation research, planning, financing, funding and/or implementation. Please register for this free workshop at